高硬度材質 - 使用高硬度強化玻璃。 Use high hardness toughened glass.
真空鍍膜 - 奈米塗層使用真空鍍膜技術,品質有保證。 Nano coating using vacuum coating the ultimate positive quality crafts.
透光率高達93% - 高透光率高達93%,讓您輕鬆閱讀螢幕。 High light transmission rate up to 93%, so you can easily read the screen.
疏水疏油 - 奈米塗層抗油汙防水漬讓您手機超乾淨清潔。 Nano waterproof coating anti-oil stain on your phone to make super-clean.
導角工藝 - 精緻導角工藝讓您手機弧邊完美包覆。 Exquisite chamfering process make your phone perfect arc side cladding.
超耐指紋 - 奈米塗層讓螢幕不易沾附指紋及油汙。 Nano super-resistant coating on your phone and other oil fingerprint imprint.
自動吸附 - 螢幕擦拭乾淨後將保護貼與螢幕四邊對齊,貼上後輕壓即可完美吸附。 After cleaning wipe the screen four sides posted up perfect light pressure adsorption.
防止螢幕炸裂 - 保護貼上有背膠,當您的玻璃貼破掉時,碎玻璃可以黏在背膠上,保護螢幕更保護您的雙手以避免刮傷。 Paul gum paste process to protect your screen glass cullet glued, protect your screen safe and secure hands on gum.